

Brett Alexander

I’m currently a senior at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in multimedia journalism. My home town is McKinney, Texas, and my passion for sports started as far back as the first grade, where my nickname was Baseball Brett. As I discovered through my youth, I was not athletically gifted, so I thought just watching sports was good enough for me. After being involved in my high school newspaper, I knew I could combine my love of sports with a career in journalism. My hope is to cover different sports in the Austin area, as well as touch on some teams I’m passionate for (mostly teams in the DFW area).

You can e-mail me at or follow me on Twitter at @BrettAwith2Ts

Sam Bohmfalk

My name is Sam Bohmfalk and I am a multimedia journalism junior at the University of Texas at Austin.  I am originally from Dallas, Texas and I hold a great love for all sports teams in the DFW area.  I got my start journalistically writing about high school football in Dallas, and high school football is something I still hold near and dear.  Personally, I don’t think are too many things in Texas that are better than Friday night football.  I hope this blog keeps everyone updated on all things related to Austin sports!

Email Sam at

Twitter: @sbohmfalk

Luther Xue

I’m Luther Xue, also a multimedia major at UT and I have been a gigantic sports fan since my years in elementary school. I watch any sports from the high school football to soccer and even played a bit during my high school years. While my expertise is in soccer, I grew to love high school football (living in Texas, you have to) and look forward to providing as much info into the industry as I can.

email me at

or follow my twitter @lutherxue