
Posts Tagged ‘Austin’

The Start of Something Weird

Welcome to our blog, Keeping Sports Weird. For all the Austin-area people reading this, they will understand the title. As for everyone else, in Austin our saying “Keep Austin Weird” means supporting the local businesses. For our blog, Keeping Sports Weird will focus on the local Austin teams. There will be some exceptions, but as we live, breath, and eat Austin, all four of us want to cover Austin sports, whether it’s at the University of Texas or one of our many high schools.

So hopefully you will follow us and keep up to date with all different kinds of sports in Austin. Go to our About page at the top to learn our specific direction of this blog, and the Authors page to get a little more background on us.

Make sure to come back on Thursday for my first post, which will be a live tweeting of Game 2 of the ALDS series between the Texas Rangers and Tampa Bay Rays. Just follow my Twitter account @BrettAwith2Ts and/or look for the hashtag #RangersGame2. (Yes I know this isn’t Austin sports, but how many times am I going to be able to cover a Ranger playoff game?)

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