
Posts Tagged ‘Texas’

The wait for a Rangers World Series berth is over

October 24, 2010 2 comments

Though this blog will mostly be an unbiased look at local and Texas-based sports, it feels appropriate to write about an achievement that can’t be overlooked. In just three days, the Texas Rangers will play in their first ever World Series against the San Francisco Giants.

After 22 years of being a living, breathing, die-hard Rangers fan, it’s still a little weird saying that. What’s not hard is knowing that I should feel proud of this accomplishment.

I remember the late 90’s Rangers, where power was the game, and the likes of Johnny Oates, Rusty Greer, Juan Gonzalez and (Pudge) Rodriguez were the faces of the franchise. Of course, I remember the jubilation of winning their first ever game, and the disappointment in the nine straight loses to the Yankees in the ALDS in 1996, 1998, and 1999. It blew, but that was just the beginning.

Years of below mediocrity. Years of disappointing high-profile players who were only in it for themselves (cough, A-Fraud, cough, Teixeira, cough). But something clicked this last four years, and it all started with one man: manager Ron Washington.

He brought the team mentality that was needed to bring this group together. No more focusing on the long ball. It was about being aggressive, playing small ball, preaching defense, etc. All that was needed was the core.

Michael Young: the ultimate team player. Switching from second base to shortstop to third base to help the team build out young player like Elvis Andrus.

Trading for the like of Andrus, ace rookie closer Neftali Feliz, power man Nelson Cruz, veteran catcher Bengie Molina, and the ace to tie it all together, Cliff Lee. He might leave next year, but he should already be considered one of the best pitchers this franchise has had the pleasure to have. Add in the likes of Ian Kinsler, Mitch Moreland, C.J. Wilson, Colby Lewis, and Vladimir Guerrero, and you’ve got a pretty good team.

And of course, Ham-bone himself, Josh Hamilton. His redemption story has been played. His skills have been admired. But his presence on this team can really be felt when the team celebrated their ALDS and ALCS victories with ginger ale instead of champagne so he could resist the temptation of alcohol and join his teammates in celebration. That move alone shows not only this franchise is a true team, but Hamilton is a necessary part of it. The ALCS MVP, probably the regular season MVP, and for this team to win their first title, hopefully the World Series MVP.

I leave you with the definition of a true Ranger fan. I’m walking through JCPenny’s Saturday, and an employee asks another about the image on the back of his shirt. It was a deer with hands substitued for antlers.

“What does it mean?” the employee asks his co-worker.

“I don’t know,” he responds.

“It represents a speed play, like a steal or hustling and diving to make a catch,” I said.

A couple steps later, I throw up the claw. My own power-based play. Go Rangers!

The Start of Something Weird

Welcome to our blog, Keeping Sports Weird. For all the Austin-area people reading this, they will understand the title. As for everyone else, in Austin our saying “Keep Austin Weird” means supporting the local businesses. For our blog, Keeping Sports Weird will focus on the local Austin teams. There will be some exceptions, but as we live, breath, and eat Austin, all four of us want to cover Austin sports, whether it’s at the University of Texas or one of our many high schools.

So hopefully you will follow us and keep up to date with all different kinds of sports in Austin. Go to our About page at the top to learn our specific direction of this blog, and the Authors page to get a little more background on us.

Make sure to come back on Thursday for my first post, which will be a live tweeting of Game 2 of the ALDS series between the Texas Rangers and Tampa Bay Rays. Just follow my Twitter account @BrettAwith2Ts and/or look for the hashtag #RangersGame2. (Yes I know this isn’t Austin sports, but how many times am I going to be able to cover a Ranger playoff game?)

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